Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Sorry for not updating until now. Everyone in my house has been sick, sick, sick! But we're all feeling better now that we have antibiotics. Anyway, today was Mommy's birthday and Daddy and I decided to take her to tea for lunch! Mommy loves going to tea and I was a little baby in my car seat last time we went.

But today, I got to find out what this tea thing is all about. I had tea and scones and finger sandwiches and it was so yummy!

Then, we stopped over at Nanny's because she is home from Florida for the summer! My cousin Peter was there climbing under the furniture and making me laugh. Peter is my favorite person to watch.

And then I ended to day my being cute and climbing INTO my toy bin. I've had these toy bins for months and today was the first day that I realize the bin itself is a toy. What fun!


Laura said...

Oh my goodness, you are too cute! Look at all that hair! You tell your mommy happy birthday from us and we hope she had a good first mother's day with you on the OUTSIDE!

Annika Kristina & Lukas Anders said...

Being sick is the worst, so I'm glad you're all better. Looks like you are learning some great new tricks!

Anonymous said...

Tea is nice isn't it? Mimi loves tea too!

I also think that Peter is a fun cousin!

Love, Mimi