After my nap, Mimi and Great Auntie Patti took me swimming. Here I am doing my best pointing at Daddy behind the camera.
Everyone noticed that I cross my ankles even under water! Here I am doing my best supermodel pose. What a babe!
I'm really going to miss spending time with my extended family. They showered with me presents, fun times, and lots of love.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hey cutie,
You are to cute. Did you practice that pose. It is so professional. Can you teach me some time. Hope to see you soon.
I <3 U
Auntie Becky
What a cute swimsuit! Such a babe!
Hi! This is Jen Miller, Dale Miller's wife (friend/ex-co-worker of Rich). I have to say your daughter is amazingly beautiful - and selfishly, I have to add it was great catching a glimpse of Rich and Deb.
You're swimming!!!! Isn't that the coolest???!!
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