Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Outer Banks - Day Four

Wow...talk about adventure. Today we all hiked up Jockey's Ridge, the largest natural sand dune on the East Coast. It was like a desert and it was really big (and there was a geocache there, too!). That's me and Casey with our Daddies way up there.
"Daddy, the GPSr says I've got 7 feet over here!"

It's actually quite cool once you get up there due to there being water on both sides of it. And the most popular thing to do at Jockey's Ridge is fly a kite. So, Casey's parents bought her a pretty unicorn kite and let me try it out.

Then, Casey and I acted all silly and ran around in the air conditioned museum.

And, of course, we ended the day by fighting the forces of evil in North Carolina. We won. Chicks rule.

1 comment:

Annika Kristina & Lukas Anders said...

Power to the chicks...Yeah, Baby!! Hey, I'm digging that unicorn kite, too. I wonder if they make one in kitty-style? :)