Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Corn on the Cob!
Today was Daddy's annual work picnic (and sadly the last one we will go to since Daddy is changing jobs). It was soo much fun! I had a blast running away from Mommy and Daddy all afternoon. But the best part of the day was trying corn on the cob for the first time. I'm not sure I'm doing it right, but it sure is tasty!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Outer Banks - Day Seven (Part Two)
After my afternoon nap, the 'rents took me on one final excursion and the most adventurous one to date! My first kayaking trip! Daddy wanted to kayak to his 700th cache on an island in Roanoke Sound. It was really windy that day and the people renting the kayaks told us that we probably shouldn't go, but we didn't listen! We got suited up in our PFDs and away we went. The current was really strong and it was a tandem kayak, so Daddy did all the paddling while Mommy held me tight to make sure I didn't abandon ship. At one point it got really shallow, so Mommy and Daddy got out while I got to ride all by myself up onto the shore.
Do you think I could make a quick getaway while they look for the cache?
Success! Congrats to Daddy on his 700th cache and I got a prize, too!
The ride back from the island was rough (Daddy's eyes were burning from the salt water spray so he was paddling with his eyes closed while Mommy gave him directions) but we made it to shore.
I had so much fun on this trip. I'm looking forward to our next family adventure!
Outer Banks - Day Seven (Part One)
Today was our last day of vacation (how sad!). Annika and I got up early and she let me try out her back carrier (well to be honest, Annika got up way earlier than I did!). Monika and Annika read me stories while the Daddies slept in. We finally woke them up at 8:30 so we could get going for the day.
We decided to bring the cousins to Jockey's Ridge since it was such a blast last time. Daddy was smart and brought the Bjorn this time and we hiked up again!
So, Cousin Erik bought a box kite and even though it didn't fit in either car, that kite was the prettiest one in the sky that day
Annika got to try it and I was very jealous. (She let me try it after, but I was cranky at that point...) Click the picture for extra pouty face.And here is the one group shot we got. Figures that us girls aren't even looking at the camera.
I was sooooo excited to spend time with Annika and her parents. I hope to see you guys again soon!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Outer Banks - Day Six
Guess who showed up to play with me? My cousin Annika!!! I had never met her in person before. She lives in NC. Her Daddy Erik and my Mommy are first cousins and she's a big girl (6 months older!) so she showed me lots of new stuff. Especially how to play on the beach.
Then the 'rents and I took a walk down the beach and I held their hands and it was cute and Annika's Mommy Monika took a bunch of pictures. From the back...
and the front.
Then, as per usual, we rinsed off in the pool. The mommies had lots of sand in their bathing suits! (And yes, we're not supposed to rinse off in the pool...but everyone does it!). Annika and I loved playing on the stairs.
And Mommy made me laugh, too.
Daddy, can we move to the beach? It's fun here every day!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Outer Banks - Day Five
My friend left this morning. I was so sad, but Mommy told me another playmate would be coming tomorrow. The parents worked hard to keep me busy today though. More geocaching today (Daddy wants to hit 700 on this trip) this time to the Wright Brothers' Memorial Park where I got to do a little wing walking with my Daddy.
Then we hit the beach again and I was a little more adventurous. But don't let this photo fool you, I still didn't love it.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Outer Banks - Day Four about adventure. Today we all hiked up Jockey's Ridge, the largest natural sand dune on the East Coast. It was like a desert and it was really big (and there was a geocache there, too!). That's me and Casey with our Daddies way up there.
"Daddy, the GPSr says I've got 7 feet over here!"
And, of course, we ended the day by fighting the forces of evil in North Carolina. We won. Chicks rule.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Outer Banks - Day Three
Today was a great adventure. We spent the first part geocaching on our way to Roanoke Island. Casey was the best "treasure hunter" in our group. She always found the cache! Here we are looting the ammo box.
Our next spot was lunch and coffee in the beachy town area and then a nap for me. Feet up and everything.
And finally we went to the aquarium! I loved being able to walk all around. Casey and I took turns chasing each other and we checked out some aquatic life, too!
Outside the aquarium we dug for shark teeth and I took a ride on the turtle...
and Daddy's shoulders, too!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Outer Banks - Day Two
Today was our first beach day (or should I say late was too hot to go during the day!) Anyway, I was not really psyched about the sand or the water. This is no surprise since I really don't like things on my hands or getting dirty. So, as you can see...I spent most of the afternoon squatting on the beach.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Outer Banks - Day One
Today Mommy, Daddy, and I left home really early and we got on a plane to North Carolina. Then we drove a few hours to the beach and guess who was there? My friend Casey and her parents! We were so excited and we decided to get right to business: our first swim in the pool (which just happened to be outside our back door and right in front of the beach!).
Here is Casey's Dad trying to get me to hold his hand while walking to the pool. But I'm Miss Independent now....thank you very much!
And here are all the girls taking a dip while the Daddies took pictures. I think this is going to be a great week.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Girlie Day In
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Laughin' and Lip Synchin'
Today I modeled my pretty dress from my Auntie Heidi. Mommy was chasing me all around the house with the camera.
But the highlight of my day was going to Auntie Becky's Lip Synch night! While we were waiting, Grampy read me some stories and Grammy showed me off to her friends. Once the show started I was just staring at all the students singing and dancing...that is until Auntie Becky went up on stage. Then I was pointing and crying and trying to run up there to dance with her! It was very silly of me.
I don't have a picture of me with Auntie Becky from that night, but here is one of me and her teacher, Ms. Gerry. She already knew all about me. I wonder how?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day, My Daddy!
Today was Daddy's special day and I have to be honest, I wasn't quite so agreeable this morning. I'm not feeling very well. I have a runny nose and a cough and I was pretty darn cranky all morning and into the afternoon. I did have time to give Daddy a present. I made him a photo book of our first year together and I think he loved it a lot.
Then we hit a graduation party for our friend Robyn. After my little snooze in the car on the way home, I finally started feeling better. It could have been Mommy's and Daddy's singing that did it. Anyway, I ate dinner and had a silly, fun time. Daddy gave me a bath and we read a bunch of stories: all of them about Daddies! And mine is the best!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
What happens at Nanny's house...
stays at Nanny's house! Shhhhh...
Today Mommy and Daddy went to a wedding and I got to spend all day with Nanny. She has this cool water table at her house and I climbed right up on top and sat in it! We had so much fun playing and swimming. Thanks for taking care of me, Nanny! I can't wait until my parents ditch me again so I can make more mischief!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Fighting the Forces of Evil
Monday, June 9, 2008
Splish, Splash, It's like taking a bath!
Heat Wave: Day Three. Mommy and I met her friend Chrissy and her girls, Lauren and Anna, at a splash park in Westfield, MA today. They live in NY so it was half way between us. We had a picnic lunch and tried out the water. It was in the mid-90's so the cold water barely registered. I was a bit tentative about it at first. Then I started showing some interest.
Before you know it, I was walking around and exploring the whole place (BTW: I pretty much only walk now!).
But then I got a little overzealous and took in a whole face full of water right here.
I was pretty tired by that point so we dried off, got dressed, and packed-up to go home. Chrissy is a fun Mommy like mine is!
And here I am with Lauren. I don't have a picture with Anna...but next time! It was fun to meet you all! Hope we can do it again soon!
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