And trying out my Uncle Sam hat with Auntie Becky. Suits me well, I'd say!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
On the Campaign Trail...
Today I hit my first political rally. I headed out to Stow to support my friend Kate Hogan in her quest for a state representative seat. She's not in my district, so I can't vote for her (besides that whole not being 18 and all...), but I did the best thing I could. I was her model for the "kissing baby" photo op that every politician has to have. Here I am listening to her speech. She is captivating!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Visits galore!
Today was another busy day for me and my adoring fans. First Auntie Carolyn came over and she brought me a present! She can't come to my birthday party, so I got to open it now!
Two beautiful outfits! I'll be styling this summer! Thanks, Auntie Carolyn! After the fun with presents, I took Auntie Carolyn to my favorite farm stand down the street and we met Daddy there for lunch. I got to eat a donut. It was awesome. Then Grampy, Grammy and Auntie Becky stopped by for a visit. We played for a bit and then I took a nap.
But guess what? Auntie Becky is staying ALL WEEK LONG! I am so lucky. This week will be the best! I can't wait!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Friday with Friends
Since I didn't feel good yesterday, I had to stay home from daycare today. But, I was so lucky because I woke up feeling great and my friend Wiley and her Mommy stayed with me all day long! It was a blast. We played outside and Wiley blew lots of bubbles for me.
Then we had lunch and I took a nap. When I woke up, guess who was there? My Daddy! I was sooooo happy to see him. I missed him lots and lots. And guess what he brought me? A wooden carousel from Finland!
And my first puzzle, too!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Sad but still cute...
Today was a terrible day. I ran a fever at daycare today and I was soooo sad all day. I tried to be strong. This is Mommy's final week of classes and Daddy is in Finland, but I couldn't take it anymore. I needed my Mommy. So Miss Alise called her and she came to get me. I was so happy to have some Mommy cuddles this afternoon. When we got home we even played a bit. I entertained Mommy by showing her how to put my shoes on. She never puts shoes on me Maybe she doesn't know how they work. I also worked on this pointing thing. I'm getting very good at it. Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day. Enjoy these silly photos!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
11 Months Old!!!
Can you believe it's my 11 month birthday today! And what a day it was!
First Mommy took me to visit our friend Julz. She has a baby in her belly and a big doggie in her house! I was chasing Rudy all around the house. I would get real close to him and wasn't afraid unless he tried to lick me.
What Wednesday would be complete without a playdate with my buddy Thomas? It was in the 80's today, so our mommies let us play with the water table and we got soaked again. It was a blast!
Here is am just being a silly girl. Ever since I got that tooth, I stick my tongue out a lot. (And my hair is getting sooo long, too!)
Stay tuned! In one month I'll be a year old! Can you believe it???
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Good Mood Girl
Sunday, April 20, 2008 cream!
My Birthday Wishes...
Lots of people who love me have been asking what I want for my birthday. Well, tonight I made an amazon wish list! Everything on there could change so quickly...I'm growing up so fast! Just this weekend I started pointing at things and climbing the entire set of stairs all by myself (3 times)! And I also climbed (slipped head first?) OUT of the bathtub...but Mommy did not think that was so cute.
Anyway, there is a link to my wish list on the right side of my blog! Love to all my fans!
Anyway, there is a link to my wish list on the right side of my blog! Love to all my fans!
All Things Spring
Today was a super fun day! Grampy, Grammy and Auntie Becky came over and they brought all the fixings for a BBQ! It was a beautiful day here and we had a big lunch out on the porch. Then all the girls went outside to play while Grampy took his nap. I did not like the grass at all. I stayed safe on my blanket the entire time.

But Auntie Becky is the best. She made bubbles for me.
And she planned a picnic with all my monkeys!
I tried to call Mimi on the phone, too, because I know she just loves picnics, but I don't know which numbers to press. Believe me, I tried as hard as I could!
It was a great day. So great that I took a two 2-hour naps today! I love Spring!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Giggling Girl
I was pretty tired during dinner tonight so Mommy kept trying to make me smile. She was being soooo silly dancing and playing peekaboo that she got me giggling real good. She's the bestest Mommy ever!
Pimpin' My Ride
Mommy got a Honda Pilot yesterday and today was my first ride in it. We had quite a busy day. We stopped by my friend Joe's and Lula's house to drop off a movie. We played for a bit and had some cookies together. Then we drove to my friend Kaylie's house to pick up some books. Next we stopped to get Mommy her favorite coffee drink. And finally Mommy took me to the park. I was pretty cranky at this point and didn't want to swing or play in the sandbox. Really...I just wanted to keep cruisin'.
Daddy, take me with you!
My Daddy was packing this morning for his business trip to Finland. I decided that it's about time for me to do a little world travel. So, I grabbed my Finnish Moose (appropriately named Finn!) and climbed inside his suitcase. Unfortunately, the parents caught me before they sealed it up and said I couldn't go until I get my passport. Hurry home, Daddy! Bring me a new toy, okay?
Friday, April 18, 2008
Tubby Time!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Water, Water Everywhere!
Today I went to Thomas's house to play with his new birthday presents! His Mommy broke out the new water table! It was beautiful out, so our mommies let us play in the breezeway! Here we are playing so nice together...
And the aftermath...Thomas is a very aggressive splasher!
Then, Wiley joined us! We had dinner together followed by co-ed naked bath time! Bath time is already my favorite part of the day. Add in a few friends and it's even more fun!
Car Shopping
My previous post sparked a lot of "maybe Mommy and Daddy should make you a big sister". Hee hee. That's not happening yet. But that is very silly. Anyway, funnily enough, Mommy and I went car shopping today to get something bigger for our family. She says that some day we will need two carseats in her car. I don't know why she thinks I need two carseats, but whatever...
Here I am checking out one of the showroom vehicles.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
All grown-up...
Date with Daddy
Last night Daddy and I went out to celebrate Mommy's last night of working late. First we went to the big store where the birds fly around in the ceiling. Daddy got some big light bulbs so I can see things in the bath tub room again. Then we went to the Danatarium where all the grown up men were playing with toys and pretending to be a rock band. Daddy sang the theme song to CSI: Miami while Joe (who I'm crushing on hard) played a fake guitar and Jeremy hit his toy with sticks. Too bad Daddy didn't have his camera. Becca and I were clapping to the music!

Then on the way home, Daddy stopped at Rota Spring where he got me a big spoon full of vanilla ice cream! He said it was okay because it's organic. I loved it! Ice cream is my new favorite. Can I have a kiddie size next time?
Then on the way home, Daddy stopped at Rota Spring where he got me a big spoon full of vanilla ice cream! He said it was okay because it's organic. I loved it! Ice cream is my new favorite. Can I have a kiddie size next time?
Friday, April 11, 2008
Meeting Izzy Lou
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Lunch Date!
Today I met Griffy for lunch at John Harvard's! I just love their stout...okay...maybe just their bread. It was lovely. First we ate our lunches. Then, Mommy let me try something new. Can you guess what it was?
That's right! A Lemon! I made lots of silly faces and then proceeded to squeeze my own lemonade right on the table. After lunch, our mommies let us play on the (very dirty) floor since we were in the back room all by ourselves.
Felicity, you're moving too fast for me.
Okay, fine, I'll just steal some kisses then!
What? What'd I do? I'm sorry... I can't resist his cute little face!
Come give me some love, Griffy!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Opening Day at Fenway!
Since we're no longer allowed to talk about football in my house...I thought we'd try a little baseball instead. Today was opening day at Fenway and everyone in my class was getting all dressed up. But, my only Sox shirt is way too big for me. Then I remember that Uncle Tommy bought me a sweet bib. Check me out!

Go Sox!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Watching My Peeps
Sunday, April 6, 2008
I have achieved tooth!
It's official! Mommy felt it in my mouth when I was up crying at 2:30. My voice was all funny and I was so sad and now I can't stop sticking my tongue out today. I knew something felt different in there. Daddy says these teeth will help me to eat more food. I do like food...but I sure hope it's easier next time! So far, I've celebrated by doing a lot of playing and dancing. Whoo hoo!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Chillin' with the Cousins
Today I skipped my morning nap despite Mommy's best efforts. But I took a 3 hour afternoon nap and was then whisked away to Aunt Maggie's and Uncle Dave's house. I had my dinner and then I played, played, played all night long!
I made eyes at Auntie Maggie...
And I snuggled with Teagan
My cousins were crawling on the floor chasing me. I was getting away fast and giggling a lot!
Teeth and Talking!
What a morning! People have been telling Mommy "She must be teething" for 6 months now! And the day has finally arrived! Mommy found a little break in my gums this morning. This explains why I've been waking up crying during the night. My first real live tooth can't be far behind, right?
In case that wasn't enough, I also did a little gardening and I climbed halfway up the big staircase in the house. Guess the parents need to get a gate now!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
My WPI Crew
Today was a fabulous day. I went to my friend Kaylie's for a playdate and all my peeps were there! We had lunch together in our booster seats. Then we played with lots of toys and books. Finally, we all got fussy and went home. I passed out in the car right away. And I bet all my friends did too! Here are some photos from our crazy playdate!
This is me being silly with my crazy ponytail!
Kaylie and I are mesmorized by the ducky!
Here is Conor, the only boy of the entire crew, pointing out the obvious. I'm cranky.
I'm missing some photos of Jenny and Eleni, but hopefully Eleni's Mommy will send them along and I'll post 'em later!
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