Thursday, July 24, 2008

Off to New York!

My parents are always taking me on crazy trips! Today we headed off to Lake George to visit my friend Sawyer and his parents at their lake house. Sawyer is 10 months older than me so he tells me lots of big kid stuff.
We went out for dinner at a nice Italian place and I insisted on being Miss Independent again. I can hold my own cup (even though the cover is not kid friendly and it spills a lot), thank you very much!

Then Daddy chased me around the park for awhile and I laughed tons and tons.

The best part of the day came at night though. Just when I thought it was bed time, Mommy and Daddy let me push my stroller around this parking lot with a big screen.

And guess what? When it got dark out, I got in my pj's and watched my first movie (Wall-E)from the back of our car!!! It was really cool and I got to snuggle with all my monkeys in the bed Mommy made for me in the way back. Except Mommy kept bothering me with all her picture taking. "Mommy, put that away and watch the movie, silly!"

1 comment:

Annika Kristina & Lukas Anders said...

Do I see 3 monkeys in that bed? A brown one, a pink one and big, silly one in the middle!!! :) How'd you like the movie?