Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Schedule is Full!

Today was a busy day for the Lipchak/Sands house! During the morning we went to visit our friends Stacy and Joe. They made us yummy french toast and I got to play with their animals! They have an old kitty named Tiger, but he doesn't like to play that much (even though he is my favorite!). And they also have a new kitty named Monty! Mom captured this shot of me watching Monty eat his breakfast!
Then Stacy showed me this fun little stick/yarn thing and I just loved to swing it all around.
And I even tangled Monty up in it. Silly kitty! I better enjoy their kitties because Mommy is so allergic, we'll never have one.
Anyway, after my nap we went to see my friends Skylar and Brendan! I hadn't seen them in such a long time that Skylar is now 4 and Brendan is 1! We had a lot of fun playing in the boat. We didn't get a lot of pictures, and here I am clearly telling Mommy to stop it with the camera already!

1 comment:

Annika Kristina & Lukas Anders said...

Watching kitties eat is fun, but trying to eat like them is more fun...try it with veggies or a bowl full of cereal! Mommy looooves it when I do that!