Saturday, December 20, 2008

Winter has arrived with a vengeance!

Sorry for the big gap in posts. We got a HUGE ice storm here in New England and it knocked out our power for a whole week! Lucky for me because I got to spend the weekend at my friend Thomas's house and then stay with my cousins for four days after that! I had so much fun, but I think Mommy and Daddy were glad to be back at our house! Anyway, once we got the power back and located our camera, we were home for one day before a big, giant three day snow storm arrived! So, Mommy bundled me up really good (it was 11 degrees outside) and Daddy brought me out to play!
I helped Daddy shovel the deck and around the driveway. That was fun!
One time I fell down face first in the snow. Not my favorite thing...
Then Daddy tried pulling me around in my sled and I did not like that either.
But, then Daddy jumped me all around the snow and I giggled a lot.
And then Mommy said it was time to come in and I cried. I hope it snows again soon!

1 comment:

Annika Kristina & Lukas Anders said...

Wait until you discover the world of snowmen and snow angels!!