After my nap (I'm down to 1 nap a day now, BTW..that's how they do it in the Toddler Room at school!) we packed up and headed on over to Nanny's for the afternoon and evening. Nanny gave me a new pink phone so I made a few calls.

Then I bonded with my cousin Teagan. She is super cool!

Here I am posing for the camera...but what I really want you to see is my Daddy on his laptop in the background. Yeah...that's what he looks like a lot of the time.

Teagan found me some sweet glasses to wear!

And of course, no trip to Nanny would be complete without a bath in the sink! Great times as always!
Your social calendar must be thicker than any book I've ever read! You are so busy doing the coolest things with the most fun people ever. Congrats on the toddler room, too. Big girl stuff is so much run!
Felicity, I'm sorry I wasn't home when you called me on the pink phone...Call me again another day.
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