Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Introducing Harry Nason Lipchak!

After a 9 month hiatus that seemed to coincide with Mommy's pregnancy, we're back and better than ever!  And when I say we, I mean there is someone else that I share this blog with now...it's my little brother!  Yep, I'm a big sister now!

Here is the first time I met Harry (who by the way is named after two of our great-grandfathers and not Harry Potter or Prince Harry...)!

Here is Harry looking at pictures of me on Daddy's iPhone when he was still in the hospital.  I think he likes me!

And when Harry came home from the hospital, I jumped right into my role as Big Sister and changed his diaper!  Mommy and Daddy are so lucky they have me!

Hopefully there will be more updates to come!  Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Mimi said...

OMG I am so shocked and happy all at once. My life line is back up and active:)