You won't believe it, but I got to wear my bee costume AGAIN! That's right! Mommy's and Daddy's college friends had their annual Halloween party tonight. I took a late nap so that I was ready to stay up really late! I think my parents are secretly hoping I will sleep in tomorrow to adjust to the time change.
So here are all my buddies and me on the couch. We were so good. No one cried and everyone was pretty smiley for a long time! From left to right: Ruth, me, McKenna, Sawyer, Sophia, Katie, Linnea, Solomon and Sebastian!

"Okay, now everybody look up there!"

After eating and posing for photos, I decide to climb up on the ottomon and base jump over and over again. Until, I smooshed my nose. I was a crazy girl tonight!

But it was such a silly day. I even tried to stop Mommy's kisses with my magical neon necklace, but she always finds away to get me!